Sunday, 26 February 2017

Highlight all formulas

In a sophisticated worksheet, we so often have to work extra careful in order not to accidentally messed up the worksheet, like replacing formula cells with static values. This is very troublesome and a pain-in-the-ass. Fortunately there is an easy way to highlight all cells that have formula so that we can easily identify which cells are calculated-cells.

Step 1

We start by selecting the entire sheet by pressing the entire sheet select button

Step 2

Then create a new conditional formatting (Alt + H, L, N) from the HOME menu.

Step 3

Then select "Use a formula to determine which cells to format", and enter the following formula into the rule box:

Step 4

Press the Format button. This will open the Format Cells dialog.
Set the Font color to a color, here I choose purple. You can also set the Fill color so that formulas that return empty strings will also be visibly highlighted. Tips: To make the highlights look nice, set the Border color as well, like 10% grey.

Step 5

Press OK to apply and return to the Edit Formatting Rule dialog.
Press OK again to apply the formatting rule.

Now all cells that contain formula will be highlighted.


Delete custom styles in Excel (VBA)

If your workbook has too many 'custom' styles and is taking forever to delete them one-by-one, why not delete them all at once with the help of macro in 5 simple steps.

The macro will not delete the 'built-in' styles such as shown below.

Step 1

In excel, press Alt + F8. This will bring up the Macro dialog.

Step 2

Type in a name for the macro, let's give it "DeleteCustomStyles" although you can use other name you see fit.

Step 3

Then press Create. This will bring up the VBA window.

Step 4

Type in (or just copy and paste) the following code into the Sub region.
Note that the first and the last lines are already in the VBA window.

Sub DeleteCustomStyles()
    Dim iStyle As Style
    On Error Resume Next
    For Each iStyle In ActiveWorkbook.Styles
        If Not iStyle.BuiltIn Then
            Application.StatusBar = "Custom style " & iStyle.Name & " deleted"
        End If
    Next iStyle
    Application.StatusBar = False
    MsgBox "All custom styles have been deleted."
End Sub

Your code should look like this.

Step 5

Close the VBA window (Alt + Q), go back to excel, and press Alt + F8 again.

Select the "DeleteCustomStyles" macro and then hit Run.

If your workbook has about 100+ customs styles, it will only take a few seconds to finish. But if your workbook has so much, like 50,000+ custom styles, it may takes about 10 to 20 minutes to delete all the custom styles.

So if your workbook has so many custom styles, just sit back and relax while the macro delete the unwanted custom styles.


Monday, 13 February 2017

Generate barcode in Excel (VBA)

If you need to generate barcode in Excel spreadsheet and don't want to invest in specialized software or even a barcode printer, here is what you can do.

  • The following VBA code applies to Excel 2013 and above
  • You also need Word 2013 or above
  • The barcode generated here comply with the CODE39 specification. You can modify it in the codes below.
(1) Place the code below in a module.

    Const BarcodeWidth As Integer = 156 '<-- Adjust to set width of barcode.
    Dim ws As Worksheet
    Dim WdApp As Object
    Dim BarcodeSource As Range

    Set ws = ActiveSheet
    Set BarcodeSource = ActiveCell.Value
    Set WdApp = CreateObject("Word.Application")
    With WdApp.Documents.Add
        .PageSetup.RightMargin = .PageSetup.PageWidth _
                                 - .PageSetup.LeftMargin _
                                 - BarcodeWidth
        .Fields.Add(Range:=.Range, _
                    Type:=-1, _
                    Text:="DISPLAYBARCODE " & CStr(sr.Value) & " CODE39 \d \t", _
    End With
    ws.PasteSpecial Format:="Picture (Enhanced Metafile)", _
                    Link:=False, _
    WdApp.Quit SaveChanges:=False
    Set WdApp = Nothing
End Sub

(2) Select the cell which contains the number to be generated as barcode.
(3) Run the code above.

P/S: There are free internet based services which allow you to convert number to barcode for "free". But here is the drawback, you'll need internet connection, and you need to send them the numbers. Another way is to install Barcode Font, its easy to use but as far as i know, it's not free.


Sunday, 12 February 2017

How to become a DIY Excel macro programmer

While it can be scary in trying to write your first code, it is also very fulfilling to see the result of your first code. I wrote my first code in QBASIC about 20 years ago, it was a simple PRINT HELLO, WORLD.

When the computer did as I say and go on to show "HELLO, WORLD" on the b/w screen, I remember I had a big smile on my face. I couldn't remember what else happened but I know I was very very happy to see the result of my first code.

Here I'd like to share the joy with you on programming with Excel-VBA. If you are a total beginner, having no knowledge about programming, then this is for you! After writing your first code and understanding how it works, then I will go on and show you a few excel macro tricks that are commonly used.

First Code

You probably know that computer will do as you say, so where do we input the commands? For Excel (and other Ms Office products), it is through the VBA window which you can open it by pressing Alt+F11 in Excel. There is a more-obvious way to go to VBA window, but I always use the short-cut key anyway. By the way, VBA stands for Visual Basic for Applications, it is a light-weighted version of Visual Basic created specifically for Microsoft Office products.

And where do we write in VBA window the commands? Generally, we write in a Module. There is no module yet for a new workbook, so go ahead and right-click on the VBAProject, and add a module such as shown below

You should get to the screen shown below with the new module, namely Module1, automatically opened for you. If not, just double click on Module1 to open it.

It may looks very complicated what we have just done, especially with all the unfamiliar icons in the VBA window. But don't worry, you will get used to it.

It has been customary for all new programmers to command the computer to say Hello, World! as their first code. There is a good reason why, because it is simple and good for initial understanding. So here's the codes for your first mini program in Excel-VBA

Sub MyFirstProgram()
    MsgBox "Hello, World!"
End Sub

Go on and type these codes into the module, or just copy and paste if you like.

Now you can execute the code by pressing the play button.

See the message?


That's it! you have written your first code!

OK Lets recap, to write a program,
  1. First, we go to VBA window, that is the window to give instructions to the computer. 
  2. Then create a module, the notepad-like place where you write the commands (i.e the codes). 
  3. Then hit play!
How simple is that!?!

Now that you have created your first program in Excel-VBA, I'll explain some technicalities so that you fully understand how the code works. Look at you first program:

Sub MyFirstProgram()
    MsgBox "Hello, World!"
End Sub
  1. Your program codes should be sandwiched between the Sub and the End Sub lines. These two lines let the computer know where your program starts and ends. We call this the object-oriented paradigm, that is giving everything a sense of boundary. You will see that many other codes also adopted this paradigm.
  2. MyFirstProgram is the title of your program and is written immediately after Sub word. Note that only alphanumeric characters and underscores are allowed, no space, and title cannot start with a number. Always give a meaningful title for a program.
  3. The () is for passing information between programs when you have multiple programs that run in sequence. In other words, it is where input parameters are defined. For example,

     PromptAMessage(MyMessage As String)

        MsgBox MyMessage

    End Sub
That is pretty much it! Now you can go on and make your own program, be creative and be versatile.


Here are few small programs to help enrich your understanding.

How to declare a variable to store information for use later

Variables are useful for storing information to work with later on as the program runs. To declare a variable, we use Dim. There are a few data types of variable, here are 7 types you can learn as starters:
  • Long - used to store whole numbers
  • Double - used to store numbers with decimal places
  • String - used to store text
  • Boolean - used to store logical information like TRUE and FALSE
  • Date - used to store date and time information. I repeat, its date and time information.
  • Variant - used to store any type (all of the above) and also multi-dimensional information like a table
  • Range - used to store information of cells location/addresses
Sub Example1()
    'This example shows how to store a string of text.

    Dim mytext As String
    mytext = "Hello, World!"
    MsgBox mytext

    mytext = "The time is" & Now
    MsgBox mytext

End Sub

Notes: the ampersand(&) is used to concatenate two strings together. Now is the code to return the current system date and time.

Sub Example2()
    'This example shows how to store numbers.

    Dim x As Decimal
    Dim y As Decimal

    x = 2.5
    y = 6.6

    MsgBox x + y

End Sub

Notes: If you store decimal numbers in a long type variable, the decimals will be truncated leaving only the whole number. So define your variables correctly!

With a variable, you can also do iteration in macro.

Sub Example3()
    'This example shows how to do iteration.

    Dim x As long

    x = 1
    MsgBox x 

    x = x + 1
    MsgBox x

End Sub

The first message will show 1 and the second message will show 2.

There are unending number of ways to play with variables, only time will show you the vast different methods.

How to ask for user input while your program is running

Sub Example4()
    'This example shows how to ask for user input.

    Dim NameStr As String
    NameStr = InputBox("Please enter your name")
    MsgBox "Hello " & NameStr 

End Sub

Notes: If you declare wrong data type, for example if you declare NameStr As Double, you will get an error if you try to store text information into it.

How to change the value of a cell in current spreadsheet

Sub Example5()
    'This example shows how to change the value of a cell
    'in current sheet.
    'There are 3 ways, but they are all the same.

    Range("B5").Value = 55
    Cells(6, 2).Value = 60 'This corresponds to cell B6
    [B7].Value = 70

End Sub 

I have also written a detailed post on ways to change the value of a cell.

How to change the value of a cell in specific spreadsheet

Often we have multiple sheets and we want to change the values across different sheets.

Sub Example6()
    'This example shows how to change the value of a cell
    'in specific sheet.

    Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("B5").Value = 55
    Worksheets("Sheet2").Range("B5").Value = 60
    Worksheets("Sheet3").Range("B5").Value = 65
    Worksheets("Sheet4").Range("B5").Value = 70
    Worksheets("Sheet5").Range("B5").Value = 80

End Sub

Notes: Sheet1, Sheet2.... to Sheet 6 are the sheet names you used in your Excel. If you change them, then you have to change your code as well, unless you have a more dynamic way to identify the sheets.

How to loop through a few cells and change their values

We can ask the computer to do some actions repeatedly for a specified number of times (or continuously until a certain criteria is met).

Sub Example7()
    'This example shows how to repeat an action
    'for specified number of times (5 times for this example)

    Dim i as long
    For i = 1 to 3
        MsgBox i
    Next i

End Sub

Lets try to get a little creative on example 6

Sub Example8()
    'An advancement of example 6

    Dim i as long
    For i = 1 to 5
        Worksheets("Sheet" & i).Range("B5").Value = 50 + i * 5
    Next i

End Sub

See how the codes shrink, imagine that if you need to do 1000 iterations!

Besides For... Next, another way is use Do... Loop. Below is an alternative looping method for example 7.

Sub Example9()
    'An alternative to example 7

    Dim i as long
    i = 1
        MsgBox i
        i = i + 1
    Loop While i <= 3
End Sub

Notes: Loop While i <= 3 means that the Loop will repeat while i is less than or equal to 3. When i becomes greater than 3, the loop is ended.

Besides Do... Loop While, we can also use Do... Loop Until, which is literally the same but just change the condition for exiting the loop. Applying Loop Until to example 9 will become

Sub Example10()
    'An alternative to example 7 and 9

    Dim i as long
    i = 1
        MsgBox i
        i = i + 1
    Loop Until i > 3
End Sub

How to get the computer to make decision

Decision making is made using the IF function. You probably been very familiar with it in excel formula. Now you just need the correct syntax for using IF in VBA.

Sub Example11()
    'Decision making example
    Dim x As Long
    x = 100

    If x < 100 Then
        MsgBox "x is less than 100"
    ElseIf x = 100 Then
        MsgBox "x is equal 100"
        MsgBox "x is more than 100"
    End If
End Sub

Notes: You can put as many ElseIf as you like. This may be new concept to you from excel-formula as excel-formula don't support ElseIf.

Another example

Sub Example12()
    'Decision making example
    Dim t As Date
    t = Now
    If TimeValue(t) < TimeValue("12:00:00") Then
        MsgBox "Good Morning"
        MsgBox "Good afternoon"
    End If
End Sub

Notes: TimeValue is the function to extract the time information from a given date and time input.

How to copy and paste values

Lets say you want to copy values in cells B2:B10 to cells D5:D13, we can do this in two methods,
  1. simulation method
  2. direct method
Simulation method simulates the action of human, i.e. the action of copying (Ctrl+c) and the action of pasting (Ctrl+v). This method is often slower in performance but its advantage is everything gets copied, including formatting and formulas.

In direct method, it is much faster, but only values get copied. Copying formatting and formula is also possible with direct method but more difficult compared to simulation method.

Sub Example13()
    'Copy and paste simulation method
    Range("B2:B10").Copy Range("D5:D13")
End Sub

Sub Example14()
    'Copy and paste direct method
    Range("D5:D13").Value = Range("B2:B10").Value

End Sub

Designing your program

A real program will consist of combinations of codes used in the above examples as well as others not written here. Line-by-line the computer will execute your program according to the order you write the lines of codes.

Before you start writing a program, you should first have an overall aim for your program. Secondly break it down into actions necessary to achieve it, write it in English or any language you like. And finally, write each action in VBA language.

The second step is sometimes unnecessary. People already familiar with programming often just write codes out of thin air after having an aim in mind. Only when things get extremely complex, then we write it to help us visualise the program (this is called writing the pseudo codes).

How to store programs you have written

Consider keeping your DIY programs for use in other days so that you don't solve the same problem twice! There are few choice where to save your codes.

The program is used only in the current workbook

If the program can only be used for the workbook you just worked with, then write the program in the module of the workbook, then save the workbook in .xlsm extension.

The program can be used across many workbooks

If you have written a generic program which can be used repeatedly in many other workbooks, then you can store it in a different workbook, either in
  1. Macro-enabled workbook (.xlsm), or
  2. Binary workbook (.xlsb), or
  3. Add-in (.xlam)
The workbook that carries your generic program should be kept in an easy to find place. So it is a good idea to have a folder like My DIY Excel programs folder to basket up these workbooks.

Some examples of commonly used generic programs are:
  • Highlight cells that has formula (a program we can toggle the highlight on/off)
  • Convert text to number or vice versa
  • Trim leading and lagging blank space off a selection of texts
  • Rearrange comments besides their parent cells (comments often go hay-wire after sometime we use the worksheet. so we create a program that quickly rearrange them back!)
  • Insert a barcode image from a given barcode number in a cell
  • Crack a password protected sheet (Yes sometimes we need to as the previous owner left! Its no secret but do it ethically!)

Well done! You are now equipped with fundamentals of programming in VBA. You should now be able to write simple programs to do simple automation in Excel.


Be sure to check back on my next post on How to comprehend all the codes in Excel VBA. There are thousands of thousands of codes in VBA, how do we comprehend all of them? This is an important question. When you understand how the codes are arranged in a grand hierarchy, you will be able to visualise a mind-map of the codes. If you have the mind-map, you don't have to memorise the codes, you don't even need to know if a particular code existed, but somehow you'll know where to find the right code you need on the go! That is the beauty of computer programming.

Saturday, 11 February 2017

The F9 key could be your lifesaver

Remember the time when you wrote an Excel formula which you are very familiar with and probably used it over a thousand times but suddenly the formula seems to stop working as expected?

You go berserk retyping and retrying the formula again and again while your boss is standing there waiting for you to give her a quick answer.

Your heartbeat is racing and your fingers start sweating, not knowing what's going on!?! Well, the rescue is probably just one button away... the F9 key!

So what's going on?

If you are using a company provided computer which is using Excel add-in, you are likely to have faced this situation. The reason is add-ins sometimes turn Automatic Calculation off to speed things up, put it simply. These add-ins should have turn Automatic Calculation back 'on' after finishing its task. But sometimes an error could cause it to "skipped" the final step without notifying the user.

To be fair, this is not bad programming by people who created add-ins to help you perform your job. Errors do happen and it is very difficult, almost impossible, to debug everything.

Besides it has to do with the very not-so-obvious place where Microsoft places the Calculation Options.

In Excel 2003 and before, it is even worst!

How F9 can help here is that it is the shortcut key for "Calculate Now", a little button sitting right beside the Calculation Options.

It forces Excel to perform calculations on all formulas across the workbook immediately when Calculation Options is set to manual.

Next time when you find your highly familiar formula behaving wildly, try the F9 button first before chasing down the sneaky one. If it doesn't tame it, then you are most likely at fault with your formula. If it does, then make sure to go to Calculation Options and set it to Automatic.

Friday, 10 February 2017

3 ways to manipulate cell value in Excel (VBA)

3 ways to change the value of a cell (or cells).

Lets say the value on cell B5 currently is 80 and we want to change the value to 100, here are the 3 methods we can use achieve this.


Range() is probably the most commonly used method and would be the first one to learn if you already learn how to code in Excel VBA. For the above task, it is written as follows

    Range("B5").Value = 100

To use this method you have to provide the address in text form i.e. in double quotation marks " ". You can also use a variable to represent the 5, such as x = 5, in which the code will be written as

    Range("B" & x).Value = 100

This can be useful if you want to loop through a few cells and change the values sequentially. However, "B" will be a fixed reference and so there is no way to make changes across to other columns with this method. This is where Cell() comes in.


This could be the second most commonly used method after Range(). The syntax is Cells(row number, column number), so cell B5 would have the coordinate (5, 2), then we write

    Cell(5, 2).Value = 100

Using this method we can represent both column number and row number with variables giving us a 2-dimensional way to manipulate cells' values. So let's say we have x = 5 and y = 2, then we can write

    Cells(x, y).Value = 100

Cells() is difficult to use because it doesn't support IntelliSense. Nonetheless its still a powerful choice.


This is the least popular one I suppose, but it is arguably the most elegant one.

    [B5].Value = 100

See how elegant, short and clear the code is. In fact in can be reduced to just [B5] = 100. However using this method we cannot use variable to present the row number or column number. So this method is only used when the context is fixed to a cell. Besides, this method also doesn't support IntelliSense. But it makes your code neat and nice, easy to read and therefore easy to debug.

In Summary, the 3 methods discussed above are essentials and basic to know for Excel Macro programming. Each has its own advantages and disadvantages so using them must be suit according to scenario. But it is ok to simply pick one to use first as you can always switch to other method when you finally realise which is a better one to use.